Saturday, November 7, 2009





Saturday, September 12, 2009


I hugged a friend today. Or did the friend hugged me? It was after I handed her a birthday gift that she gave me a hug. I believe that was a gesture of thanks.
But I believe, something is missing...
It was a brief one. I think its a culture thing. As Chinese we generally don't feel very at easy with hugs, maybe even a little shy. Though as a younger generation, we can do with a courtesy hug, and at times do find it meaningful, we generally do not immerse in the hug and feel it.

Something that I experienced differently in Vancouver was hugs.
First was when I first arrived in Regent to meet the International Student Coordinator. She's a Canadian, and she hugged me the first thing I entered her office. I nearly cried, because that was really a warm gesture when I felt all alone in a foreign land.
The second was on my last night in Vancouver. I remembered especially how a Japanese friend made me feel so different as she hugged me when I bade farewell. It was a gentle locking of arms and bodies PLUS an unexpected tight squeeze, to bring me really close to her. It was really warm and released the dam that was holding back tears in my eyes.
Those hugs were not formalities. Those were hugs that were not in a hurry. Those were hugs that seized and enjoyed the moment. Those were hugs that respected each other as beings created in God's image. Those were hugs in which love and messages were exchanged not through words.

Sorry that I didn't hug well today.
I'll replay when there's a chance. :-)

Hug hug...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


今晚收到了我离开维真(Regent College)前所交的最后第二份作业。


缅怀维真, 温哥华。。。

Sunday, June 21, 2009

真,善,美, 之 美

歌舞剧对我来说, 有着很特别的魅力。
常令我血脉膨胀, 内心汹涌澎湃,久久不能自己。
特别是有机会观赏跨时代的经典佳作, 又在当中看到上帝的恩慈和荣耀。


Lyrics | Enjolras, The Stude - Do You Hear the People Sing? lyrics

Lyrics | Eponine - On My Own lyrics

Drink with me to days gone by
To the life that used to be
At the shrine of friendship, never say die
Let the wine of friendship never run dry
Here's to you and here's to me

I must get the sound track!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Dinner and a Breakfast

Cheese, crackers and dips as snacks or prelude to the dinner as people sit down to chat.
A sit down dinner for all, each with a full set of cutlery.
Respect for everyone's choice of drink; red wine, white wine, juice, water.
Delightful desserts: soft sponge cake, with Jelly, plus fresh strawberries, and chocolate coated strawberries and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Ending it with your choice of hot drink, be it Green tea, Chamomile tea, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, Latte, etc. Even if they have to make just one cup of that drink for you.
Good time chatting with the hostess who is the only stranger at the table, making a point to go round the table to know you personally.

This dinner, is free, hosted at one of my lecturer's home.
A beautiful expression of respect and celebration of each person's individuality. They take every trouble and every extravagance they can for every small details to make one feel comfortable. And this is not a restaurant. Its a home dinner.

When I was first invited to a friend's place for breakfast just to get together, I was like...why breakfast? isn't there a better time to get together than that? I would never invite anyone to my place for breakfast as that would mean that I have to get up early to make sure my place is in order, and to prepare breakfast.
But well, since am an invitee here, I gladly go, and thinking to myself that I shall make sure that I eat whatever that is served whether or it is to my liking (since this is a Argentinian friend who had invited me and I almost only like Chinese food).

It turn out that I totally enjoyed the breakfast! Since there was only 3 of us, we have lots of opportunities to girls talk, share about our thoughts, feelings dreams and aspirations. I appreciate such efforts to 'get together'.

I think it is not only the Chinese who got it. The Westerners are getting it too. That food brings people together. And it is not the food, but the people that is the focus.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Let's be aware

Long time ago, people think Christianity is about gaining political power.
For some time, they realized: oops! they were mistaken.
Then for a long time, Christianity evolved into some high and mighty kind of tradition and rules.
So through a period of time, some people protested, and Christianity became personal and engaging.
While at no time did Christianity advocated war and hatred;
At specific times, Christianity were the reason for much bloodshed and killing.
Perhaps many a times, Christianity looked imperialistic.
But there were times when some good were done through mistakes.
Slipping through time, Christianity somewhat slipped from the front stage to the backdrop of society.
But now come a time, when scrutiny is on Christianity.

So what is Christianity about?
Political control? power? traditions? rules? personal transcendental experience? a good social group? sacrificial love? life-givingness?

In such a time, it is especially important that we be aware indeed of what Christianity is all about.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I had a course that brought us to Westminster Abbey Monastery for a retreat the previous weekend.
Before going, I was thinking...hmmm...Monastery...interesting...but perhaps, I've gotta be prepared for a less than comfortable stay, since its after all a monastery...
To make sure I had a clean decent place to lie in, I brought along my sleeping bag so that I can at least cocoon in it.

But well, to my pleasant surprise, the monastery is so cool in its quiet ways. Best of all, we were given a nice simple and clean room each! I think the beauty of the room is in its simplicity. No TV, no internet. Just the place to make me spend time with myself and God instead of escaping into the virtual world.

Stepping out of the building, the monastery is built on a hill overseeing a Frasers Valley. Its a beautiful sight. One can mistaken the place for Europe.

A little about the Monastery:
- there's about thirty over monks residing in the monastery (some old some young and handsome).
- they wear black robe, totally a fashion statement.
- the monks plant their own vegetables and rear their own animals for meat.
- their daily life revolve around five (or seven, can't remember. Confused with the Muslims) prayer times throughout the day. They arrange their work and activities around the prayer time. Not the other way round.

That's about it. Some photos for your viewing pleasure.

my simple little room.

a little cemetery for the monks. Once there, they are to be there forever. literally.

I cheated... this is a picture taken from a postcard.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What I've learn lately ...

1. To consider the opportunity to serve as well in choosing church; relationship is not necessary the only consideration. (this is when having tea with Kaman)

2. As Christians, I should see myself as work against over arching structures to do what God would have us do. " ...行公义,好怜悯,以谦卑的心于我的神同行。" (this is from history tutorial on 18/19 Century, the group of pple who fought against the social structure and systems to abolish slavary and introduced many good things.)

3. Never to treat people as an object (from the movie "Wit" by Emma Thompson; and from history tutorial's discussion on socialization as oppose to community) One should not be Educating workers for the workforce. As a teacher or education workers, one educates people, citizens. Do not objectify people.

4. Someone said Chinese just want to be left alone (judging from the lack of response from chinese students to comment on the missionary work during lecture). Chinese as a race, suffered or perhaps still suffers a sense of shame from the opium war. The great determination to do well in the Olympic 2008 might be a manifestation of this, an attempt to recover from the shame. It is also strange that Chinese seems to hv to follow what the westerners do to prove their own worth. eg. want to have the largest Gucci outlet in Shanghai, etc. Not like the Italians, or Germans or French, they just do what they like or good at or want regardless of what the English is doing. (this is from history lecture on missionaries and events in China in the 18/19 Century, as well as conversation with Anson.)

5. Sunday school shaped the mindset of people in the 18/19 Century! Such powerful work. 在小事上忠心,在大事上有成就。 (this is from history lecture on 18/19Century. The group of friends including Hanna Moore who brought many positive changes to the world.)

6. Christians need to know, listen to the world around them, in order to engage the world meaningfully. Should not assume the world is waiting to hear what you have to say. this is why Christian Art is often seen as boring, not standard, even propaganda. (this is from CTC reading)

7. What makes one human? memories and imaginations... (I've always knew memories got to do with it, hence my 我怀念的。。。entries)

Just some of my learnings and thoughts that I want to document. Nevermind if you can't make head and tail out of it...

no particular reason for choosing this picture. Simply, I like it...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009




Am definitely more brave than Mao when it comes to haircut. Perhaps too brave.

Thursday, January 8, 2009



当时的我喜欢在蓝园唱《担心》,听朋友唱《爱的代价》, 《我愿意》,
《伤痕》,《将心照亮》,《细水长流》 《祝福》,《分享》等歌曲。
当时的我会为了筹备演出, 而劳心劳力,把自己累到不行。
当时的我也八卦谁喜欢谁, 当然,也有些追求者。


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"The" etc...

The Reader
影片结束之后,看到演员名单才知道那女主角是Kate Winslet。
天哪!不知到是化妆成功,还是她真的老了。 我竟然人不得她!

但Henna竟在她从巴士售票员被擢升成文员时, 舍弃工作和少年不告而别。
但Henna 却为了不愿当众承认自己是文盲,而承认罪状, 并被判了终身监禁。
已成为律师的少年,在下来的二三十年, 虽然从来没有去探监,
但一直为Henna 录制自己朗读的书籍,让Henna 有机会在监牢慢慢的识字。
当Henna 已是白发苍苍的老婆婆时,她得到了假释。

我相信是骄傲(pride)驱使了Henna 的决定.

The Slacker
发现独自一人, 是比较容易颓废的。
睡到日上三竿, 自然醒。
看书, 上网,听广播, 感觉上是无所事事。

The true service provider
听说,晚上九点过后,还可以要求司机在顺路,不影响交通的情况下,让乘客指定下车地点, 好让乘客能安全到家。
温哥华的公共交通司机极少专注搭客是否有付车资。地铁更是大致上依赖人们诚实地付车资, 除了突击检查(random check)没有任何闸门来控管付款程序。

The missing of "if there's seasons..."