2. As Christians, I should see myself as work against over arching structures to do what God would have us do. " ...行公义,好怜悯,以谦卑的心于我的神同行。" (this is from history tutorial on 18/19 Century, the group of pple who fought against the social structure and systems to abolish slavary and introduced many good things.)
3. Never to treat people as an object (from the movie "Wit" by Emma Thompson; and from history tutorial's discussion on socialization as oppose to community) One should not be Educating workers for the workforce. As a teacher or education workers, one educates people, citizens. Do not objectify people.
4. Someone said Chinese just want to be left alone (judging from the lack of response from chinese students to comment on the missionary work during lecture). Chinese as a race, suffered or perhaps still suffers a sense of shame from the opium war. The great determination to do well in the Olympic 2008 might be a manifestation of this, an attempt to recover from the shame. It is also strange that Chinese seems to hv to follow what the westerners do to prove their own worth. eg. want to have the largest Gucci outlet in Shanghai, etc. Not like the Italians, or Germans or French, they just do what they like or good at or want regardless of what the English is doing. (this is from history lecture on missionaries and events in China in the 18/19 Century, as well as conversation with Anson.)
5. Sunday school shaped the mindset of people in the 18/19 Century! Such powerful work. 在小事上忠心,在大事上有成就。 (this is from history lecture on 18/19Century. The group of friends including Hanna Moore who brought many positive changes to the world.)
6. Christians need to know, listen to the world around them, in order to engage the world meaningfully. Should not assume the world is waiting to hear what you have to say. this is why Christian Art is often seen as boring, not standard, even propaganda. (this is from CTC reading)
7. What makes one human? memories and imaginations... (I've always knew memories got to do with it, hence my 我怀念的。。。entries)
Just some of my learnings and thoughts that I want to document. Nevermind if you can't make head and tail out of it...
no particular reason for choosing this picture. Simply, I like it...