Saturday, February 20, 2010


WOOHOO! 不是经典巨作,是精细,狂热的小品佳作。充满动力和反思。
反思的课题:男人和女人。虽然是再寻常不过的课题, 但,在喧闹,无厘头中,带层次,深度。赞!

喜欢何思思及“阿当哥夏姐”这两个角色。因为欣赏何思思那中性的短发带出的性感成熟的韵味, 以及认同她在剧中所代表的理念。“阿当哥夏姐”当然是个虚构的角色,但他是一个聪明巧妙的戏剧手法, 把整个主题浓缩灌入这个角色里,也在它身上体现对主题反思后的领悟。



喜欢foreground and background 的音响效果。



见此创作,唤醒我对此课题的认识,增添对戏剧手法的窍门, 也谦卑的知道自己的粗制滥造。

男与女的课题逃不离爱。 而爱总是正面的。 即使是世俗的,只字不谈神的爱, 我仍相信它是符合神心意的。

喜欢中文剧场的氛围, 因为觉得它不象英文剧场那样有一种为了反而反,为了挑战而挑战的气氛。中文剧场似乎保存了一份单纯,一份炽热, 追寻着一份感动。

今天的我已经不是那个会在谢幕时激动地高喊什么“演员万岁!” “观众万岁!” 的十八九岁女生。

但愿这感动继续留存, 也希望有机会借舞台,话剧,来展现真,善, 美。

Saturday, November 7, 2009





Saturday, September 12, 2009


I hugged a friend today. Or did the friend hugged me? It was after I handed her a birthday gift that she gave me a hug. I believe that was a gesture of thanks.
But I believe, something is missing...
It was a brief one. I think its a culture thing. As Chinese we generally don't feel very at easy with hugs, maybe even a little shy. Though as a younger generation, we can do with a courtesy hug, and at times do find it meaningful, we generally do not immerse in the hug and feel it.

Something that I experienced differently in Vancouver was hugs.
First was when I first arrived in Regent to meet the International Student Coordinator. She's a Canadian, and she hugged me the first thing I entered her office. I nearly cried, because that was really a warm gesture when I felt all alone in a foreign land.
The second was on my last night in Vancouver. I remembered especially how a Japanese friend made me feel so different as she hugged me when I bade farewell. It was a gentle locking of arms and bodies PLUS an unexpected tight squeeze, to bring me really close to her. It was really warm and released the dam that was holding back tears in my eyes.
Those hugs were not formalities. Those were hugs that were not in a hurry. Those were hugs that seized and enjoyed the moment. Those were hugs that respected each other as beings created in God's image. Those were hugs in which love and messages were exchanged not through words.

Sorry that I didn't hug well today.
I'll replay when there's a chance. :-)

Hug hug...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


今晚收到了我离开维真(Regent College)前所交的最后第二份作业。


缅怀维真, 温哥华。。。

Sunday, June 21, 2009

真,善,美, 之 美

歌舞剧对我来说, 有着很特别的魅力。
常令我血脉膨胀, 内心汹涌澎湃,久久不能自己。
特别是有机会观赏跨时代的经典佳作, 又在当中看到上帝的恩慈和荣耀。


Lyrics | Enjolras, The Stude - Do You Hear the People Sing? lyrics

Lyrics | Eponine - On My Own lyrics

Drink with me to days gone by
To the life that used to be
At the shrine of friendship, never say die
Let the wine of friendship never run dry
Here's to you and here's to me

I must get the sound track!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Dinner and a Breakfast

Cheese, crackers and dips as snacks or prelude to the dinner as people sit down to chat.
A sit down dinner for all, each with a full set of cutlery.
Respect for everyone's choice of drink; red wine, white wine, juice, water.
Delightful desserts: soft sponge cake, with Jelly, plus fresh strawberries, and chocolate coated strawberries and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Ending it with your choice of hot drink, be it Green tea, Chamomile tea, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, Latte, etc. Even if they have to make just one cup of that drink for you.
Good time chatting with the hostess who is the only stranger at the table, making a point to go round the table to know you personally.

This dinner, is free, hosted at one of my lecturer's home.
A beautiful expression of respect and celebration of each person's individuality. They take every trouble and every extravagance they can for every small details to make one feel comfortable. And this is not a restaurant. Its a home dinner.

When I was first invited to a friend's place for breakfast just to get together, I was like...why breakfast? isn't there a better time to get together than that? I would never invite anyone to my place for breakfast as that would mean that I have to get up early to make sure my place is in order, and to prepare breakfast.
But well, since am an invitee here, I gladly go, and thinking to myself that I shall make sure that I eat whatever that is served whether or it is to my liking (since this is a Argentinian friend who had invited me and I almost only like Chinese food).

It turn out that I totally enjoyed the breakfast! Since there was only 3 of us, we have lots of opportunities to girls talk, share about our thoughts, feelings dreams and aspirations. I appreciate such efforts to 'get together'.

I think it is not only the Chinese who got it. The Westerners are getting it too. That food brings people together. And it is not the food, but the people that is the focus.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Let's be aware

Long time ago, people think Christianity is about gaining political power.
For some time, they realized: oops! they were mistaken.
Then for a long time, Christianity evolved into some high and mighty kind of tradition and rules.
So through a period of time, some people protested, and Christianity became personal and engaging.
While at no time did Christianity advocated war and hatred;
At specific times, Christianity were the reason for much bloodshed and killing.
Perhaps many a times, Christianity looked imperialistic.
But there were times when some good were done through mistakes.
Slipping through time, Christianity somewhat slipped from the front stage to the backdrop of society.
But now come a time, when scrutiny is on Christianity.

So what is Christianity about?
Political control? power? traditions? rules? personal transcendental experience? a good social group? sacrificial love? life-givingness?

In such a time, it is especially important that we be aware indeed of what Christianity is all about.